Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010

HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT HOT WAS, IF THERE WERE NO COLD? What would you call light if there were no darkness? In the increasingly polarized world of politics, how would politically uncommitted people know how important America’s founding values are without hearing the progressive harangues?
I ask these questions to say this: The best alternative for conservatives is for House democrats to elect Nancy Pelosi as their minority leader.
Say what!?
Calm down and bear with me. The midterm election cycle brought forward a resurgence of national pride and political awareness. Between tea party gatherings, cable television commentators, Internet bloggers, and just plain folks talking to their neighbors, this country is moving forward again. But beware; the path is still unsteady and dangerous.
To sustain our momentum, and to rationally gain commitment from the political fence-sitters, we need the radical ravings of the left as a comparison.
Before Pelosi, Reid, and Obama were part of Americans’ daily intake of news, our founding principles were available to anyone willing to find them. The sources for such information are found almost everywhere, from libraries to the Internet. But most Americans did not search for these principles and the values they were built upon. Most of us were trying to eke out a living, stay ahead of the taxman, and raise our children to be great adults.
Our attitudes toward knowing the real America changed dramatically after the 2008 elections. And they changed because the contrast between what progressives like Pelosi believe in, and what mainstream Americans believe in, could not have been starker.
Blogs and stalwart liberal news agencies are all singing the same tune: if Pelosi remains the face of the Democratic party in Washington, it will not only alienate independent voters for the 2012 presidential election, but will also weaken an already weak Democratic caucus before that election.
Luke Russert of NBC said Pelosi is “pick your word – radioactive, toxic, or damaged goods.”
Russert further asserts, “Her unpopularity around the country – and especially among independents – would be a drag on the party heading into 2012 and a very important presidential election. Not only would she kill any chances of Democrats retaking the House, but she also would hurt President Obama’s ability to work with the GOP over the next two years.”
We can only hope. And right now, our hope springs eternal.
So, run for minority leader Nancy. Cajole your Democrat colleagues. Your liberal legacy is not yet complete. The depth of your failure remains unfulfilled. To put the cherry on top of your progressive sundae, you must hand us conservatives the 2012 presidency and both houses of Congress. You go, girl!
Which brings us to Keith Olbermann. We should all be glad he’s back after his suspension. Putting aside his well-known penchant for fabricating the news, his progressive vitriol is the perfect polar opposite to American values. Add his dash of unwarranted name-calling to anyone who’s conservative, and the differences between he and most independent voters is blatantly apparent.
Although we risk that his vocabulary might lure some people to believe he’s actually saying anything substantial, the contrast of progressive ideology and founding principles is never more on stage when he speaks. Besides, with his dismal 0.7 rating on “the most watched show” on hapless MSNBC, how many can he actually reach?
During a lengthy diatribe to rouse liberals to vote on the midterms, Olbermann said Tea Party candidates were “unstable individuals”.
According to Olbermann, Tea Party candidates, if elected, were going to, “march this nation as far backward as they can get, backward to Jim Crow, or backward to the breadlines of the '30s, or backward to hanging union organizers, or backward to the Trusts and the Robber Barons.”
The midterm election, if won by Tea Party candidates was going to be “nothing short of an attempt to use Democracy to end this Democracy.”
And finally, about Tea Partyers and conservatives alike, “They see the future of America not in progress, but in revolution to establish a theocracy for white males, with dissent caged and individuality suppressed.”
Listening to Olbermann leaves me cold. But, I wouldn’t know hot if the progressives didn’t blow cold.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Dear Visitors and Fellow Bloggers,
We IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE ADDITION of a new columnist, "EconProf".
EconProf is a talented and accomplished writer who also happens to be an actual professor of economics at a southwestern university. You can look forward to his insightful analyses of today's monetary challenges, as well as his bare-knuckled take on all current political events.
You can read his first article "Throwing Progressives Back to the Fringe", where he girds himself in Constitutional conservatism as he delves into the psyche of the modern progressive; their roots, their aims and their culture of victimhood.
We thanks you for your continued support!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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"Don't cry for me, America." |
Quick! Someone call 9-1-1! Oops. Sorry. Too late.
As election results began pouring in and the Democrats desperate ambition to retain a stranglehold on federal power quickly fizzled, it was at approximately 9 PM (EST) Tuesday night, that the Left's hysterical and irrational adulation of President Barack Hussein Obama II was officially declared dead.
How could that possibly be? Well, simple really.
"A shellacking" is what President Obama called the Democratic party's historic defeat, when doggedly pressed by an unsympathetic White House press corps during a presidential press conference Wednesday afternoon. With TOTUS nowhere in sight, the president stammered and stuttered his way through a mine field of once adoring but now inquiring journalists' pointed questions that attempted to zero in on exactly what on earth went so terribly, terribly wrong in the wake of the disastrous results of the 2010 midterms. The press corps was uncharacteristically cool toward the president after shamelessly supporting him and his corresponding Progressive agenda in 2008, then having to endure the embarrassment of having their butts handed to them on a shingle last night.
What went wrong indeed.
Historically, first-term presidents with below fifty-percent approval ratings (Obama's is at 47%) lose an average of just thirty-six congressional seats during their first midterm elections. But with the Democrats losing sixty seats, with four still yet to be decided, it hasn't been since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938 that a president has suffered such a humiliating and utter defeat of his party.
And then, to add insult to injury, the gains for the GOP at the state level were even more devastating. Republicans added at least ten new governors nationwide, as well as hundreds and hundreds of state legislators and other local officials, including the unlikely capturing of both the governorship and the legislature in several states -- two of which were for the first time in over 125 years.
Predictably, hemorrhaging liberals in the media worked overtime to deflect blame from Obama's wildly unpopular Progressive agenda as the reason for the crippling election results, and instead, slapped a damage-control tourniquet on the news by, of course, blaming "angry" Americans. Here's a small sampling of some Wednesday morning's headlines:
"US tidal wave of anger chases Democrats out"
Arizona Daily Star
"Angry voters get their say"
Detroit Free Press
"Angry US voters turn from Obama"
National Post
"Voters carry anxiety, disappointment to the polls"
Times West Virginia
"The 2010 election: Ugly economy, angry voters"
The Wall Street Journal
"Poll: Voters angry at government help GOP win"
Associated Press
Asked by reporters at today's press conference how he personally felt in the wake of Tuesday's drubbing, Obama responded, "I feel bad." Oh, yeah, and he quickly added that he believed the Democratic flogging was a result of voters being "frustrated".
Of course, you have to read between the lines when digesting Obama's self-serving excuse coupled with the newspaper headlines. According to Pathway to Happiness, "If you aren't aware of how your mind is imagining scenarios of hurt, your anger will appear irrational."
Aha. So, let's connect the dots, shall we?
Obama said that voters were frustrated. Frustration leads to anger. The media blamed the Democrats' loss on "angry" voters. Anger leads to hurt. Incorrectly imagining scenarios of hurt leads to irrationality. Irrationality is a subset of behaviors exhibited by the insane. Ergo, voters elected Republicans because they are certifiably nuts!
Actually, the preceding would be a more accurate description of the pathway to irrational hysteria better known as Obamamania.
Obama, his die-hard supporters and his abettors in Congress just don't get it -- or at the very least, they just won't admit it. Yesterday's loud-and-clear election results weren't a reflection of mere "voter anger", they were a scathing repudiation of Obama, the Progressive Left's Marxist agenda and an awakening of a majority of Americans to Obama's false "Hope and Change" tripe.
And although Obama lamely attempted to blame the voters' renunciation of his radical policies on his failure to communicate, the truth is, after twenty-two months, Americans understand Obama's policies just fine, thank you -- and they catagorically reject them.
Americans made it loud and clear yesterday that it was Obama and the Democrats who weren't listening to them:
They didn't listen when America said "no" to Obamacare.
They didn't listen when America said "no" to bank bailouts and car company takeovers.
They didn't listen when America said "no" to trillions of dollars of spending and debt.
They didn't listen when America said "no" to the massive expansion of government.
They didn't listen when America said "no" to a private sector job-crushing "Stimu-less" Bill.
They didn't listen when America said "no" to the Ground Zero mosque.
And they didn't listen when America said "no" to attacking Arizona's immigration laws.
Make no mistake, the midterm elections were a major defeat for Obama and the Progressives, and a resounding victory for liberty, the rule of law and the Founding Principles.
So, shout it from the rooftops, America, so that Obama and the rest of the Progressives can hear you loud and clear this time: